Creating Father and Child Memories to Last a Lifetime
Are you ready for our Year End Celebration?!?
Come to Hawaiian Falls in The Colony for the best time ever! Caddo Nation has subsidized the admission price greatly, it’s only $5 a person for our private event.
We want everyone to come, including all of your family members! Please also invite your friends and neighbors with kids in the age group of our program. Ages 2 and under are free.
**Bring your own food and drinks, No cooler charge. Please remember alcohol, glass, sharp objects or commercial wrappers are not allowed**
If bringing your own cooler seems like a hassle, we have an option for you! You are able to purchase an optional catered box dinner for $9 a person.
The date of the event could change if needed. We will definitely be in contact if it does.
Please Scroll Down to Register!!!
(We do not want the costs to prohibit you from attending, we want you there. If needed, please email for your tickets.)